22 Gardening Hacks That’ll Change the Way You Garden Forever

Love to garden? Check out these 22 genius gardening hacks that can change the way you garden forever.

Love to garden? Check out these 22 genius gardening hacks that can change the way you garden forever.

1. Use honey to propagate cuttings


Honey contain enzymes that promote root growth and you can use it as a ‘Rooting Hormone’. Honey help plant cuttings in setting roots and they propagate easily, it also save them from fungal problems.

Read how you can use honey to propagate cuttings on Gardening know-how.

2. Use cooking water to fertilize plants

Love to garden? Check out these 22 genius gardening hacks that can change the way you garden forever.

When you boil or steam some vegetables on the stove top, don’t pour the water down the drain. Once the water has cooled, pour this vegetable water in your plants to fertilize them instead of wasting it. You can also do the same with your boiled egg water.

3. Smother the weeds


If weeds are surfacing in your garden do this: Before you put a layer of mulch on your planting beds, cover the garden bed with newspapers and then drop a layer of mulch to smother the weeds.

Read more about this ingenious idea on A garden for the house.

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