19 Best Tea Herbs to Make a Tea Herb Garden

Herbal teas from freshly picked aromatic herb leaves can be a healthy addition into your diet and it is a good idea look at these 19 best tea herbs that you can grow in your home and garden.

Herbal teas from freshly picked aromatic herb leaves can be a healthy addition into your diet and it is a good idea look at these 19 best tea herbs that you can grow in your home and garden.

Tea herb garden is a wonderful accent that can go along with the rest of your garden and brings you the joy of fresh herbs, you can use these herbs to prepare aromatic, healthy and tasty herbal teas of different flavors.

1. Lavender

Maybe you’ve never thought to make lavender tea but its floral taste is amazing. A delicious cup of herbal tea you can make from lavender flowers that is sweet and fragrant in taste and is perfect for calming your mind, particularly recommended to reduce tension and alleviate headache.

2. Lemon Verbena

Lemon verbena leaves are used to make tea. Consumption of its tea improves digestion, joint pain and helps in asthma.

Refreshing and sour, this lemon flavored plant is easy to grow. It needs full sun to thrive and doesn’t tolerate severe winters. Below 14 F (-10 C) the plant dies. It’s more suitable for subtropical and tropical climate, although you can grow lemon verbena in cold climate, but in containers.

3. Mint

Mint is a most favorite tea herb and popular among herbal tea lovers, it’s also one of the easiest plants to grow. Mint tea fights with digestive disorders, abdominal pain and stomach cramps. Besides this, it stimulates the appetite, reduces flatulence and is very refreshing in flavor.

Mint is very robust plant and can even get out of hand in the garden if you don’t care to stop it. It grows in moist soil in full to partial sun.

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