25 Old-Fashioned Recipes Your Grandma Knew By Heart

Some of the delicious old-fashioned recipes are now arcane knowledge that probably your grandma knew by heart and you can’t find them on the web. But here you can see 25+ recipes. Check out!

Some of the delicious old-fashioned recipes are now arcane knowledge that probably your grandma knew by heart and you can't find them on the web. But here you can see 25+ recipes. Check out!

My grandma grew up cooking from scratch. It’s all she knew because convenience foods weren’t an option. She learned how to cook from her mother by handfuls and pinches instead of cups and tablespoons. She cooked by memory and by feel. I bet your grandma or someone you know is the same way. These women carried around a vast amount of knowledge with them that is sadly becoming lost in today’s culture.

Convenience foods are great, but when all you do to prepare dinner day in and day out is open a package, something important is lost. Food is appreciated more and tastes better when it’s cooked from scratch and made with love. When you touch the dough and smell the yeast it truly feeds the soul. I want us to get back to hands on cooking and that’s why I’m sharing with you a list of my favorite from scratch recipes. Some of these recipes have been adapted for modern cooking (hello slow cooker!), but I don’t think grandma would mind.

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