10 Cleaning Hacks That’ll Actually Keep Your Car Clutter Free

Luckily there are lots of easy and effective car cleaning hacks that we can use. Here are extremely helpful and easy-peasy to do. So check them out and let me know what you think.

Luckily there are lots of easy and effective car cleaning hacks that we can use. Here are extremely helpful and easy-peasy to do. So check them out and let me know what you think.

1. Brush Dirt and Grime Out Using a Toothbrush

Found from: The Krazy Coupon Lady

Removing dirt and grime between the seams is pretty easy if you’re using a toothbrush. Gently brush the dirt and you’ll have a mess free car seat in a jiffy!

2. Use a Microfiber Mitt to Clean Your Car

You can easily find one here.

To have a lint free and scratch free car washing experience, consider this microfiber mitt (insert link). It’s really handy and holds lots of water for cleaning your car.

3. Dust Your Vent with a Foam Craft Brush

Found from: One Good Thing By Jillee

Car air vents can get pretty dusty over time, but those narrow slots make it tough to clean with just a rag. If you need some extra reach, you can make a small sponge brush (insert link) soaked with some cleaner and that will take care of the job.

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