Tips For Painless Lunch Packing

Lunch packing is a task but it can be made easier and less time-consuming and you can make the best lunch food combos. Check out these tips for painless lunch packing!

Lunch packing is a task but it can be made easier and less time-consuming and you can make the best lunch food combos. Check out these tips for painless lunch packing!

Whether you’re boarding the back-to-school boat or slipping onto the return-to-routine ship, chances are the matter of packed lunches is looming large for you. The good news is that, following this post, the hardest part of the process is going to be dreaming up the actual lunch food combos. Here are five tips for making lunch packing painless. You’ll save precious seconds in the AM, increase your kitchen’s orderliness, and probably manage to create better, more well-balanced meals as a result.

1. Prep

Things will zing along in the morning if you’ve taken the time to do the prep work the night or week before. Tasks like slicing up fruits and veggies, portioning out bags of snacks, and so on can all be done ahead of time to ensure that come to the morning of, all that’s left to do is spread some PB&J on a couple slices of bread and call it a packed lunch.

2. Create a lunch bin in the pantry

This is the non-perishable counterpart to the lunch fridge bins. Lunch items like energy bars, pre-portioned bags of snacks, and so on should live together in one bin, basket or container. Just as keeping all perishable lunch items together alleviates the need to search for ingredients, so too does the pantry lunch bin keep foods at the ready.

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